
Posts Tagged ‘beef’

Butterbean and beef soup

Butterbean and beef soup

This weekend I did not really know what soup to cook. After a little online research I found a picture of a butterbean and lamb soup and was all sold. The picture looked delicious. As I had a nice piece of organic beef in the freezer, I made a few changes to the recipe and created this fantastic soup.

And I learned something about soaking beans: They need a lot of water. A lot more than I was expecting. I left a medium-sized bowl of bean covered by water over night and the beans were still quiet hard the next day. I had to cook them (with the soup) for about 45 minutes. They were lovely in the end.

Level: Easy | Time: 60 minutes | serves 4


Olive Oil

250 grams of beef steak

1 big tin of butter beans or dried beans soaked in water over night

2 carrot, peeled and sliced

1 small onion, peeled and cut in rings

1 celery stalk, sliced

4 medium-sized potatoes, peeled and cut into cubes

750 to 1 litre of vegetable stock

Salt and pepper

Fresh Thyme


  1. Heat the olive oil in a medium-sized pot and add the meat and the onion when the oil is hot.
  2. Brown the meat all around and add the fresh Thyme.
  3. When the meat is browned add the rest of the vegetables and the stock and keep cooking on a low heat for at least 30 minutes.
  4. Check if the soup needs salt or pepper and if all the ingredients are soft and well mixed together. If not keep cooking for 10-15 minutes longer.
  5. Serve in a warm bowl with some bread.

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